Visalia Welfare Fraud Defense Lawyer
Welfare fraud is a growing problem in California. More people are taking advantage of the welfare system to protect their own financial interests, and the government is responding aggressively.
At the Law Offices of John Patrick Ryan, I represent welfare aid recipients and welfare system employees who have been charged with welfare fraud in California. If convicted, these individuals face significant fines, possible jail time and other penalties. It is critical to speak to a Visalia welfare fraud defense attorney at your earliest convenience if you are facing criminal charges.
Understanding Welfare Fraud Charges
Here are some possible circumstances that may lead to welfare fraud charges:
- Failing to declare income
- Failing to report alimony/spousal support
- Failing to report other benefits
- Failing to report accurate number of household family members
- Failing to inform Department of Employment or Department of Social Services of employment
- Applying for welfare benefits using multiple names
- Applying for other benefits (food stamps, cash aid, etc.) while receiving welfare benefits
Welfare fraud cases require attention to financial and transactional details. I will carefully review the evidence against you. Many times, welfare fraud charges come after the defendant has made a legitimate mistake in paperwork or forgetting to update his or her information. If this has happened to you, I will effectively communicate your story and build a strong case on your behalf.