Police in Petaluma, California located a vehicle that was reportedly involved in a hit-and-run collision just after 9 p.m. on July 14. When police approached the vehicle, they found a 28-year-old man sitting in the driver’s seat. However, he was not the one authorities say was driving the car when the crash occurred. Instead, they say that a 28-year-old woman who was also in the vehicle had been driving when the accident took place.
Police say that they determined that they had switched seats while talking with them. Both individuals had a blood alcohol content that was more than twice the legal limit in the state. They were both taken into custody for driving under the influence and taken to Sonoma County Jail. Authorities say that the man who was in the driver’s seat when they first approached was on probation for a previous DUI.
Those who choose to drive while impaired could put themselves and others at serious risk of getting hurt or killed. If an individual is observed by police to be driving under the influence of alcohol, it could lead to a criminal charge. Individuals who are convicted of DUI charges could face time in jail, a fine or a loss of driving privileges. It may be worthwhile to consult with an attorney in an effort to obtain a favorable outcome in a DUI case.
An attorney may challenge the results of a Breathalyzer test or any other tests done to determine that a driver was impaired. It might also be possible to argue that a driver had a medical condition that made it hard to stand or talk to an officer properly. If successful, a defendant may receive a plea deal from a prosecutor or have his or her case dismissed entirely.