A 41-year-old man in California pleaded guilty Nov. 7 to several felony charges related to an alleged drug distribution scheme involving synthetic marijuana. The man was indicted on 16 counts in June 2014 after an investigation that took almost three years. Officers from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Los Angeles High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, the Southern California Drug Task Force, the Internal Revenue Service and Homeland Security conducted the investigation.
The man pleaded guilty to four felony drug charges including conspiracy to manufacture, possess and distribute controlled substance analogues and conspiracy to smuggle controlled substance analogues into the United States with fraudulent documents. Prior to the man’s conviction, five other people involved in the drug scheme also pleaded guilty to similar charges.
Prosecutors say that the accused man incorporated several companies and opened numerous bank accounts in order to conduct his drug scheme. He is accused of using a number of websites to sell over 12 million dollars’ worth of drugs to people across the United States. The man and his alleged conspirators are accused of manufacturing, marketing and selling a blend of synthetic marijuana that was called ‘Da Kine Blend.” The accused man admitted that he distributed four kilograms of synthetic cannabinoids during a seven-and-a-half-month period.
Over the course of a multi-year investigation into an alleged drug scheme, investigators may encounter many people who knew the alleged conspirators but did not know about the alleged drug scheme. Some of these people may end up being included in an indictment even though they were unaware of their role in the alleged scheme. A criminal defense attorney may be able to help an individual to dispute drug conspiracy charges and argue that they did not help to organize drug activities.