California police are dealing with a new type of marijuana that is made stronger after conversion by butane. The resulting product is called honey oil, and it is a rapidly growing problem.
Detectives in Los Angeles say that in 2014, the number of so-called honey oil labs busted was five times higher than the 11 they busted in 2013. One of the most serious problems with the labs is their volatility. Around 33 percent of the labs that are discovered are found due to an explosion.
Police in the area are now calling for butane to be regulated in the same way that other products used to make illegal drugs such as cough medicine are. In one area of downtown Los Angeles, many of the toy shops have been replaced by shops that sell butane. Police say that people may pick up more than a dozen cases at a time.
People who are facing charges for drug possession or drug trafficking may want to have the help of a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. In some cases, an investigation may have been conducted improperly. If a person’s rights were violated at some point in the investigation, the case may be dismissed or evidence gathered illegally may not be permitted. Some defendants may also wish to plead innocent and go to trial. They may have been charged as a result of association with other people involved in drug trafficking or even in a case of mistaken identity.
Source: NBC Los Angeles, “Authorities cracking down on butane to thwart drug trade,” Mary Harris and Hetty Change, Feb. 16, 2016