Most California entertainment and sports fans have probably heard about Lamar Odom’s drug overdose in a Nevada brothel in October. Now, sources indicate that Mr. Odom may end up facing felony charges there for the incident.
After Mr. Odom overdosed, he was rushed to the hospital. While receiving treatment, the Nye County Sheriff’s Office obtained a warrant to take his blood for testing. Upon an analysis, they found he had overdosed on cocaine, leading to the collapse at the Bunny Ranch. At the time, Mr. Odom was estranged from his wife, Khloe Kardashian. Since the incident, the two have reportedly attempted to reconcile.
The Nye County District Attorney confirmed that she is considering whether to file charges against Mr. Odom. The Nye County Sheriff’s Office forwarded a request for charges to the prosecutor’s office. If charges are filed, Mr. Odom could face a felony unlawful use of cocaine charge or a charge of being under the influence of drugs. The prosecutor indicated it may take several weeks before she makes her charging decision.
Felony drug charges may bring severe consequences in the event a person is convicted of them. Potential penalties depend on the type of drug, the amount of the drug the person possessed, whether distribution or trafficking was involved as well as other factors. People who are facing such charges may want to get help from a criminal defense attorney who has experience with these types of cases. A variety of strategies may be able to be employed before or at trial, including challenging the constitutional validity of the search that led to the seizure of the drugs in question.
Source: Yahoo Sports, “Prosecutors consider felony drug charge against Lamar Odom,” Sally Ho, Nov. 16, 2015.