On March 27, Visalia police arrested two women on suspicion of selling methamphetamine. The investigation began after one of the defendants gave false information to police during a traffic stop. According to authorities, a 30-year-old woman gave a fake name to officers when she was pulled over. An investigation uncovered that she was driving with a suspended license and had three outstanding warrants. Officers then searched her residence and a vehicle on the 400 block of Goshen Avenue.
In the home, police allegedly discovered drug paraphernalia in the woman’s bedroom. Packaging material and a digital scale were also found in the bedroom of her 43-year-old female roommate. The roommate also had an ounce of meth in individually wrapped packages in her possession.
Both women were taken into custody and booked into Tulare County Jail. The 30-year-old was charged with providing false information to a peace officer, driving with a suspended license and possessing drug paraphernalia. The 43-year-old was charged with possessing drug paraphernalia and suspicion of possessing methamphetamine for sale.
Individuals arrested on drug charges could face serious consequences, including fines and significant jail time, if they are convicted. However, every defendant is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to retain a criminal defense lawyer to fight the allegations. A criminal defense attorney will conduct a review the record of a client’s arrest for any evidence of police misconduct during the investigation. For example, if a defendant’s rights were violated during search and seizure, any evidence collected could be deemed inadmissible in court. An attorney could also negotiate an arrangement with prosecutors in which a guilty plea could be entered to a lesser charge in return for the dismissal of more serious ones.
Source: The Fresno Bee, “Two arrested in Visalia for alleged drug charges,” Carmen George, March 27, 2015